Have you ever seen the return of those swamp things?
Von links nach rechts:
Geburtsstation (Maternity ward) - Other kitchen sponge rags, used by various people in various kitchens wait in a ceramic pot on an painted mdf shelf
Liegende (Recumbancy) - An oversized swamp rag lies on a studio floor, to get photographed and inkjet printed on photo paper
Fussbadende (Foot bath) - The same oversized swamp rag sits on a chair, takes a foot bath in coloured water
Schwebende (Floating) - A digital picture of an oversized swamp rag, floating in the arms of the swamp thing is inkjet printed on a 21 * 29,7 cm sized photo paper
Abhängende (Hang out) - A wet and still dripping sponge rag hangs out in a former construction hall in Wedding (Berlin)
Pfütze (Drink) - Water drips constantly onto the floor, building up and at the same time destroying a temporary mirror for some exhibition visitors
Installationsansichten (Installation views at) Veilchen, Uferhallen, Berlin, June 2011
Mir freundlicher Unterstützung von Freudenberg Haushaltsprodukte Augsburg KG.
Thanks to Freudenberg Haushaltsprodukte Augsburg KG.