As if we travel too much sometimes. (Reisebüro)

Installationsansicht in der Aussstellung Familienaufstellung, Uferhallen Berlin 2013
Installation views at Familienaufstellung, Uferhallen Berlin 2013

From left to right:

As if we travel too much sometimes. (Reisebüro)

The buyers don't bear the fruits no more. (Kundenstopper)

Keep on keeping things together. (Sammlung)

Who is who's next turn? (Glücksrad).

Save on reductive greenhouse bluegrass flower-power plants. (Atemluftpflanze)

Buy the way to some scenic outlooks later? (Reisekataloge)

They're all players, they do nothing, they just wanna travel. (Schreibtisch)

They're all players, they do nothing, they just wanna art. (Untertitel)

Due to the smile of Hokusai. (logo)

Rainbow country isn't a borderless statement. (Regenbogen)

Slide away but come back soon. (Rutsche)